The Art of Ascension Alchemy - finding your way back into the Light of LOVE

Humanity has been at a crossroads through the Corona pandemic and the most powerful question we can ask ourselves is:

What reality am I choosing to resurrect myself in, in the post Corona world?

 A fear or Love based reality?

Because that is the real choice when it all comes down to it. Will I love myself enough to focus on keeping my vibration high and sovereign, letting go of the pain and struggle of the past, layer by layer? Or will I allow my fears (which show up as fight, flight, freeze or people pleasing) to overwhelm me into lack & scarcity and compliance consciousness?

Now that more truth is surfacing and the world reels in economic crisis, please re-member that this crisis is not bigger than God/Goddess or our highest potential destinies. Every one of us contributes to the mass consciousness with our light or our darkness.

This is the time we chose to come here for, so choose wisely!

Never before has there been a better time to raise your vibration, take back your power, find your authentic expression and say YES to a Love-based reality. The world has woken up to the fact that, despite borders, we are one and together; we can find new solutions, combining ancient ways and modern means.

And even if you have consciously chosen the path of Love, know that fear and resistance will always come up, especially when you take new action.

Re-member: we are all imperfect humans, just doing the best that we can. We are navigating unknown territory here and there is no playbook for the times we are in.

The only way is through and what you resist persists!

So allow all the e-motions (energy in motion), feel every last bit of it and you will find that they move through you and dissipate fairly quickly. Focus on your breath and on being in your body, which gives you more presence and, instead of asking why you feel this way, accept that “it is what it is” and allow it. (BTW: asking “why is this happening to me?”; analysis paralysis; trying to work out who is to blame; or how to control the outcome puts you in victim space)

Often, the emotions you might feel, are not even yours. We pick up energy from all around us and if you are highly sensitive, you can even pick up your neighbours feelings & thoughts. If you don’t let them move through you, you end up having to process them through your physical body.

The past IS gone, however, we do have the opportunity to start again and influence our realities to create the world that we want to live in. A New Earth that is kinder. More humane, honours sovereignty and where the Divine Feminine is taking her rightful place. We have been preparing for this time through the fast track of Ascension we have been on since 2000 and there is a growing, collective desire to re-invent ourselves through a re-connection to self, spirit and Gaia.

The best thing we can do right now is to rise above the stories we tell ourselves and re-member: we live in an energetic universe and everything is energy. The more empowered you are, the more access you have to the awareness of your personal free will. The more you can come from a place of choice, the less issue you will have with moving forward.    

We have moved out of the age of Pisces and the Patriarchal era, where power-over, competition, and lack & scarcity consciousness dominated the mass consciousness. We are currently ushering in the Aquarian age, the Golden era of collaboration, where unique gifts are honoured and sacred prosperity, harmony, and ease & flow are possible.

I don’t say any of this lightly; I have dedicated many years to practicing, mastering and embodying the art of Ascension Alchemy AKA deep inner transformation and healing. I now hold sacred space to guide and support other wounded healers, leaders and Light warriors, as they journey within to find their own answers and heal past wounds.   

I know what it is like to feel lost, overwhelmed and disconnected. I have been out of alignment with my truth, my soul, my Divine purpose and my personal power. I have been manipulated and I have manipulated in my quest to know who I am.   

I have shrunk and held myself back to make others more comfortable, given away my power in order to receive love. I have compromised my dreams, taken care of others before myself and self sacrificed when my inner critic told me I wasn’t good enough.

I have also had the courage to say NO MORE! I have transformed toxic relationships, filled with co-dependency, expectation and obligation. Broken through layer upon layer of distortion and Patriarchal conditioning to heal my wounds of Love. I have retrieved and integrated traumatised soul fragments stuck in abuse and betrayal from this and past lives.  I have also had to stand my ground before psychic attacks and healed ancestral programs. It’s an ongoing journey for all of us as we venture into the unknown.

So how can we, as inter-dependant, sovereign individuals, flow with the Universal energies consciously: to raise our vibrations, let go of the past and become part of the solution our Planet needs?

Here are some of my key realisations from my journey with an invitation to take what resonates with you and leave the rest:

 1. Something greater than us is guiding our lives.

 Perhaps the greatest distortion we have been taught is that God is outside of us. We are sparks of the Divine, privileged to be experiencing an Earth-Walk at this time. The truth is “God resides in me, as me.” Our god-self can be found in our hearts and is the real Source of our prosperity. After all, everything outside of us begins from within.

 Be aware that your choices have consequences for others and our Planet, so make your decisions responsibly.

Be congruent with your spoken word too. Our bodies and The Universe hears everything we say - out loud and to ourselves.

We are master manifestors, whether we are conscious of it or not. Our thoughts, words, beliefs, perceptions and judgements are constantly moulding our future, individually and collectively.   

2. We cannot control what happens, only how we perceive, experience, and respond to it.

As we spiral through the polishing wheel of Ascension, we remember and then fall back asleep. It takes conscious awareness and curiosity to lean into the unknown, do the clearing & healing work and then anchor into higher dimensions until it becomes your new normal.

It takes discipline & courage to trust & surrender. One of my favourite Mantra songs at the moment is by Alexa Sunshine Rose. It goes: “I release control and surrender to the flow. Of Love, That will heal me”  

3. Your desires live within you for a reason and are possible.

They stem from your blueprint and you already have everything you need within you to live the life you know you are meant for. Trust and surrender to Divine Timing. Allow your hope and your faith in your highest potential destiny to draw you forward.

 4. Only you can shift your inner world and therefore your projection.

 So many fear going within, yet inner work is profoundly liberating. Having done hundreds of Inner Alchemy healing sessions (my own and for clients), I can share that the things we fear the most, come from being wounded and underneath all fear, is the fear of death.

 I encourage you to do something daily to build prosperity consciousness and energetic strength. For me, its daily Kundalini yoga, energy work, Divine Play and listening to high vibrational podcasts. Dancing, shaking, singing and, replenishing yourself in nature works a treat too.

5. Keep your eyes on your own path or you will be walking someone else’s.

 You have to take ownership of your path by taking a stand for your life and your dreams, especially as women in the post Patriarchal society. No more blaming and shaming others for how they make you feel or how they treat you. Stand firm in your Yeses and No’s and you will find that when you respect yourself, others respect you too.

6. The old ways are crumbling & are no longer supported.

We have been brought up in the Patriarchy, which replaced intuition and discernment with imprints of competition, judgement, separation and control. These are the key wounds that we are healing from. The Divine Feminine principles are being re-established and we are called to look at our personal relationships, what we really value, and who we are becoming on the New Earth.   

Consciously or unconsciously, we all have imprinted distortions and wounds of love. These are all the spiritual bypassing, abandonment, denial, betrayal and persecution issues we have all experienced to a greater or lesser degree.

For a comparison chart on navigating the New Earth energetics, see the 1st link in my BIO.

 7. Make peace with Death

We go through many cycles of birth, death and rebirth during our lives. We come in with a blueprint of our purpose & mission under a veil of forgetfulness. As we grow, social conditioning and our experience of the world are imprinted onto us, often subconsciously. When we recognise we are experiencing this Earth Walk as a chapter of our souls journey and accept death as a transition where we drop these physical bodies, it helps us keep the game of life in perspective and live more fully.

See death is a door, rather than a wall.

8. Healing is an inside job and best done with Sacred support.

It’s almost impossible to see our own blind spots and we all need support to build our energetic calibre and boundaries.  Working with trusted, empowered healers to hold safe & sacred space for us, allows us to process our wounds of Love and heal to wholeness.

There always needs to be an energy exchange, so get paid support. There is only so much we can process ourselves and eventually your friends will avoid you if you are constantly taking your drama to them in the hopes they will have your answers. We all need a safe port in a spiritual storm, some-one you can trust to hold Sacred space for you that is pure enough to not let their stuff get in the way of your process.

 The whole point of the healing journey is to remember who you are and, when you free yourself from the fear matrix, you are able to experience your personal Heaven on Earth.

Be aware that as you move from the shadows into the Light of Love, the dark will try to bring you down and hold you back. It will show up through your family and friends, often within your intimate partnership, as resistance.

There may come a time when you have to go it alone by keeping your desires and plans to yourself until they are fully energised and becoming manifest.  This is when your energetic boundaries and healing energy work is most important. All of this is happening so that you STAND YOUR GROUND and align to the higher frequencies of Love, and so that your projection is one of love, freedom & sacred sovereignty.

9. Love is not what we think it is.

As we rise out of the lower frequencies of blame, shame, guilt & disappointment, we must move through the gateway of self-love and acceptance to align with the higher frequencies of joy, pleasure, bliss and prosperity. Make self-love your priority by filling your own cup first and taking care of others from the overflow.

I discovered that the all encompassing, unconditional Love that many of us are searching for, is not found in a romantic partner or another. It is found in our Divinity. It is our direct connection to the Source of all that is. If you think about it, we come from Love and we go back to Love. That is the love we have disconnected from when we feel isolated and alone. When you are connected to your inner God-self and filled with pure, unconditional Love, it radiates from you as a glow of joyful bliss. As a bonus, you are connected to your inner GPS and look and feel ageless.  

 10. We get what we focus on.

With so many of our beliefs stemming from our cultural conditioning, it pays to re-evaluate everything and make new choices as you awaken.

Habits become patterns. Patterns become programs. Programs control us.

The easiest way to upgrade your life is to disrupt and then delete old programs that no longer serve. Replace old, harmful addictions with new good habits that reach a tipping point at 40 days and become your new normal.

One of the best shifts I made a few years ago was to change the measure of my success from money to joy. Because Joy is the most magnetic force in the Universe, and, when you are blissfully magnetic, you cannot avoid your highest potential destiny or your purpose for being here. The good news is, it is always something you love to do.

When you find joy in what you do, the money will always follow. This allows you to find harmony in your sacred square of prosperity (the 4 most important things to us – health, wealth, love/relationships and fulfilment)

On the New Earth, our unique gifts are needed now more than ever and, in a love-based reality, we get to live the life we are meant for.

Three things you can do right now to up-level your life:

1. The MAGIC is in the subtleties.

 When you quieten your mind, you discover that you can trust yourself and your body to know what to do in the moment.

Your immediate home space is a direct reflection of your inner landscape and visa versa. Keep it clean, organised and uncluttered. Bring in beauty and luxury wherever possible, even if all you can afford is a few flowers from the garden or a great smelling soap.   

My beloved Mum always said that you can only do what you can do. You have to start with where you are and with what you have right now. And it is true: how you do one thing is how you do everything. If you take care of the little things with presence, the big things take care of themselves.

Focus on bringing calm and presence to everyday activities. Divine Play if you will.  I learned how to be present in the shower many years ago, washing my body with gratitude that I had arms to hug people and legs to move me around. It allowed me to move from meeting to meeting with full presence in my corporate CEO era.  To this day, every time I step into the shower, I imagine the water is white gold pouring into my Crown chakra cleansing me internally and externally. 

Find magic in day-to-day activities. For example: when I put laundry into the washing machine, I think about how the water swishing around is cleansing the energy on that side of the house; the family corner if you follow Feng Shui. Then, I put on a high vibrational audio, often Eckhart Tolle, sit on the bed and fold the laundry, imagining rainbow light coming out of my hands energising the clothes.

If I have a tricky situation where I feel blocked or stuck. I´ll stop what I am busy with and go and do something mundane like vacuum a room or clean out a drawer. That action in the physical shifts your energy field and more times than not, by the end of the task, I know exactly what to do next.

2. Reconnect to self.

Make time to connect to the deepest part of you and your inner guidance. All of your answers are already within you.  Be unafraid to discover the depths of your own Being coming to life.

Spend some time working out what values you hold dear. What is important to you? Then, love yourself enough to be firm on your Yeses, what feels right and remember, No! is a full sentence.

Ask yourself powerful questions and journal the answers. Here are a few examples to get you started:

Who would I BE if I trusted that life was happening FOR me and not TO me?

If time and money wasn’t a consideration, what are my grandest secret desires?

If I loved and accepted who I am, free from guilt, shame or judgement, how would I craft my life? 

What would happen to my personal magnetism if I could trust that my life was moving in the direction of positive personal evolution and I got out of my own way?

If every hardship and wound of Love I have ever experienced, has brought me to this exact moment, what and who do I need to forgive so that I can give myself permission to move forward and THRIVE? 

What does the most empowered, courageous, version of me look like?

3. Reconnect to Gaia.

Remember that we are all Gaian and are affected by the Galactic progressions.

Make a positive contribution to Gaia and all of her creatures by recycling, making your own compost to feed the soil and growing organic food.

The signs and symbols are everywhere and everything in your space is a reflection of you and your energy. Get out into the natural world as often as possible and slow things down so you can notice the birds, animals & vegetation. They all have messages for you. Gaia will show you all you need to know about your current circumstances if you take the time to notice.

 In closing, I´ll leave you with the inspired words of Mike Heron.

 “May the Long-time Sun shine upon you,

All Love surround you,

And the pure light within you,

Guide your way on”


By Peta Panos. Contributing Author to

Awakening: Meet the women birthing the New Earth

Published in July 2020. Amazon Best – Seller

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